Users can create one or more factory reviews. However all factory reviews are based on a Factory Review Template. It is therefore necessary to first create one or more Factory Review templates on the Home > Sourcing > Setup > Factory Reviews Setup tab.
Create a new Review
Navigate to Home > Sourcing > Reviews
To create a new Factory Review, mouse-over Actions and select New Factory Review..
In the New Factory Review dialog box, select details for the following fields:
Template: From the drop-down list, select a template. The Factory Review templates are created on the Home > Sourcing > Setup > Factory Reviews Setup tab.
Factory: From the drop-down lis, select a Factory name. One or more factory details can be created on the Home > Sourcing > Factory tab.
Factory Review: Enter a name for the Review
Date: Enter a date on which the review is conducted.
Fiscal Year: enter details for the fiscal year
Quarter: Enter the quarter details.
The quarter details must ONLY be an integer value.
Reviewer: From the drop-down list, select a review name.
Manager: From the drop-down list, select a Manager.
Review Event: From the drop-down list, select an event name. The list of values for this drop-down is created on the Setup Configuration Business Objects Enumerations tab.
To save the details, click on Save.
The new factory review will be created and displayed in the table.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
Factory: The name of the factory for which the review has been created
Factory Review: The name of the factory review
Description: A brief description about the factory review can be entered here.
Image: Click anywhere within the cell and select Browse Images. Browse and upload an image relevant to the factory review.
Date: The date of the review. In order to edit the details, click anywhere within the cell and select another date from the calendar
Reviewer: The details of the reviewer for the said Factory Review is displayed here. To edit the reviewer details, click anywhere within the cell and select another reviewer from the drop-down list.
Manager: The details of the Manager for the said Factory Review is displayed here. To edit the reviewer details, click anywhere within the cell and select another reviewer from the drop-down list.
State: To begin with, the review is in Draft state. It is possible to change the state of the review by selecting the another state from the drop-down list.
Actions: Icon for edit, delete are available in this column. Click on the Generate PDF icon to generate a PDF copy of the Factory details.