Users can create one or more factory reviews. However all factory reviews are based on a Factory Review Template. It is therefore necessary to first create one or more Factory Review templates on the Home > Sourcing > Setup > Factory Reviews Setup tab.

Create a new Review

  1. Navigate to Home > Sourcing > Reviews

  2. To create a new Factory Review, mouse-over Actions and select New Factory Review..

  3. In the New Factory Review dialog  box, select details for the following fields:


The quarter details must ONLY be an integer value.

    1. Reviewer: From the drop-down list, select a review name.

    2. Manager: From the drop-down list, select a Manager.

    3. Review Event: From the drop-down list, select an event name. The list of values for this drop-down is created on the Setup Configuration Business Objects Enumerations tab.

  1. To save the details, click on Save.

  2. The new factory review will be created and displayed in the table.

  3. The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:


