Print Specification allows users to create and upload Color Specification with various color combination from different Color Libraries and also print output to a specified format that users select from the Print Type.
Create a New Print Specification
Navigate to Home > Specification > Print Specification tab.
In the Print Specification column, mouse-over Actions and select New Print Specification.
A new Print Specification row will be created in the Print Specification table.
Enter the Print Specification details in the editable fields.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
NOTE: The values displayed in the drop-down list are enumerated values from the Setup > Configuration > Enumeration tab.
The following fields are available in the Default view:
Print Specification: This column lists the name of Print Specification created.
Print Type: The required output format is selected from the drop-down list.
Color Specification: The color specification associated with the Print Specification is displayed in this column. Users can navigate to Print Specification and create or map a Color Specification available.
Colors created or selected from Color Specification is unique to the Print Specification and are not available for selection for any other Print Specification.