Material Security can be created to define security access control on site-level materials to specify the users who can have view-only access to material.

Create a new Material Security Group

  1. Navigate to Home > Material > Material Security Groups

  2. To create a new  Material Security Group, mouse-over Actions and select New Material Security Group.

  3. A new row is created in the table. Enter the new Material Security Group name.

  4. Users can include one or more Materials to the  new Material Security Group.

NOTE: One or more Material Security Groups defined on the Material Security Groups tab can be viewed for selection on the Material tab at the time of defining a new Material.

Add one or more Materials to the  Material Security Group

  1. To add one or more materials to the Material Security Group, click on the created Material Security Group name.

  2. Navigate to Materials tab

  3. To add new material, mouse-over Actions and select one of the following options.

    1. In the Materials table, mouse-over Actions and select New Material

    2. In the New Material dialog box, enter the Material type details and click on Save.

    3. The New Material is created and displayed in the Materials table.

    1. In the Materials table, mouse-over Actions and select New from  Material

    2. In the New from Material dialog box, select one or more Materials to be assigned to the Material Security Group and click on Save.

    3. The details of the selected Materials are displayed in the New from Material dialog box. Edit/Update details as required and click on Save..

    4. The New Materials will be displayed in the Materials table.

    1. In the Materials table, mouse-over Actions and select Move Materials from

    2. In the Move Materials from dialog box, in the Material Type, click on the All drop-down arrow. Select one or more Materials to be moved to the current Material Security Group and click anywhere outside the dialog box.

    3. The Materials associated with the selected Material Type will be displayed. Select the check-box corresponding to the Materials to select it and then click on Save. The selected Materials will be displayed in the Materials table.

NOTE: The Active check box is selected by default. To render the Material inactive, de-select the check box. It will no longer be available for selection.  

Pre-Requisite: Material