Users can create one or more Factory details on this tab.
a new Supplier
Navigate to Home > Sourcing > Factory
To create a new Factory, mouse-over Actions and select New Factory.
The new Factory will be created in the Factory table. Enter the Factory name. User can update information in the Factory table.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
The State for the new factory is displayed as Pending. To approve the new factory, select Approved from the drop-down list. To render the Factory inactive and unavailable within the Centric 8 application, select Inactive from the drop-down list.
If the user selects the Blank option, then the details in the State field are cleared and displayed as Blank.
The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
Factory: The name of the factory for which the review has been created.
ID: Click any where within the cell and enter a unique identification number for the factory
State: By default, the factory is in a Pending state. The state can be changed to Approved (to approve the factory and make it available for selection throughout the Centric 8 application) or Inactive (to render it inactive and unavailable).
Country of Origin: Select a country of origin from the drop-down list. One or more country can be defined on the Sourcing > Setup > Countries tab.
Suppliers: From the drop-down list, select one or more Suppliers. The list of suppliers is defined on the Sourcing > Supplier tab.
Compliant: This check box is selected by default at the time of creating a new Factory.
Initial MOQ: Enter the minimum order quantity
Re-order MOQ: Enter the minimum quantity for re-order
Port of Origin: From the drop-down list, select the port of origin.
The following attributes are editable and users can update details as required:
Min Order Amt
Min Order Surcharge
Payment Terms
Volume Capacity
Lead Time
Actions: Action icons to copy and Delete factory details are displayed in this column.
The newly created Factory displays the State as Pending. Users can approve the factory by selecting the Approved option. The state changes to Approved. To deactivate the factory, users can select the Inactive option. The state changes to Inactive.
NOTE: When users select the Blank option, the State clears.
Click on the Suppliers to select Suppliers.
Click on a Factory to view its properties and to create contacts.