For each SKU, a Global Trade Identifier Number (GTIN) is used to create a Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode. In this page you can specify the GTIN digit length, define and select manufacturing codes. Based on the information provided on this tab, the SKU codes are generated automatically.
You can set up the GTIN Length, the default manufacturer code and the next product codes in this section.
How to setup GTIN Numbers
- To set up GTIN numbers you must define the manufacturer codes in the Manufacturer Codes table before you can set the default manufacturer code.
NOTE: Once you define the GTIN and manufacturer codes here, you can access these attributes in the Global Trade Item Business Object.
The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
- In the GTIN section, click anywhere within the GTIN Length (12 or 13) field and enter either 12 or 13.
- If you have multiple manufacturer codes, click on Default Manufacturer Code and select the default code from the drop-down menu.
NOTE: One or more manufacturer codes can be created in the Manufacturer Codes section.
- Click on Next Product Code (greater than 0) and enter the value you wish to apply incrementally as product codes are generated.
You can set up one or more manufacturer codes in this section. These codes can be used to set up the default manufacturer code in the GTIN section.
To define ${ManufacturerCode.Name}
- In the Name column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select on ${New} ${ManufacturerCode.Name}.
- In the New Manufacturer Code dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}.
- To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features.
For changes to be reflected in Centric 8, from the main menu bar, select Actions > Update Configuration.