Using this tab, ${User.Plural} can define ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} ${ConfigurableAttribute.Plural}.
If these ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} are specified as Active, then they can be viewed and used to create Contractual Documents and Contractual Document Groups on the Home tab.
How to define ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Plural}
- In the ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} column. mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name}.
- In the ${New} ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}.
- The following ${ConfigurableAttribute.Plural} are available in the Default view:
- ${Active}: Select this checkbox to render a selected ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} as active.
- Requires Acknowledgement: Select this checkbox if the ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} requires acknowledgement.
- Has Effectivity Dates: Select this checkbox if the ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} is active only for a defined date period. If this checkbox is selected, then a checkbox is displayed in the Has Renewal Period column
- Renewal Period begins on Receipt: Select this check box if the renewal period of the ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} begins on receipt.
The new row details are displayed in yellow. To update configuration with the new details and make them available in the C8 application, from the main menu bar, select Actions > ${UpdateConfiguration}. Once the configuration is updated, the row details are displayed in green.
See Also: ${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Plural}
${ContractualDocumentSubtype.Name} Groups