On this tab, you can define ${CompanyAnnouncement.Plural} to be broadcasted to specified ${CompanyInfo.Plural} for a delegated period. The ${CompanyAnnouncement.Plural} defined on this tab can be viewed on the My Home tab.
How to define ${CompanyAnnouncement.Name}
- In the Message column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select New ${CompanyAnnouncement.Name}.
- In the Message dialog box, enter the announcement and click anywhere outside the message box. The message will be displayed in the table.
- In the Effective To field corresponding to the message, click anywhere within the cell to view the Calendar and select a date until when the message is valid and will be displayed.
- From the Companies column drop-down list, select one or more company types for which the message is to be displayed.
- To execute the icons in the Actions column, refer Generic Features.
For changes to be reflected within the C8 application , from the main menu bar, select Actions > Update Configuration.
See Also: My Home tab