You can create grouping of Test Specs in Test Groups.

How to create a new ${TestSpecGroup.Name}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${TestSpecGroup.Name}.
  2. A new row is created in the table. Enter the ${TestSpecGroup.Name} name and the corresponding details in the editable fields.
    NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
  3. The ${Active} check box is automatically selected to render the ${TestSpecGroup.Name} active. De-select the checkbox to render it inactive.
  4. The radio button is selected by default for the newly created ${TestSpecGroup.Name}. You can now create or select one or more ${TestSpec.Plural} for this ${TestSpecGroup.Name} from the Test Spec table for the selected ${TestSpecGroup.Name}.
  5. To apply the ${TestSpec.Plural} to Types, mouse-over Apply to Type field and select one or more items from the drop-down list.

To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features

Click the tick icon to approve the current revision of the ${TestSpec.Name}

Click on "Create a new revision based on the current revision" icon to create a new revision of the ${TestSpec.Name}.

Click on Move link to move the ${TestSpec.Name} to a different Group. In the Move dialog box, select the ${TestSpecGroup.Name} and click on ${Save}. Click the X icon to remove the ${TestSpec.Name} from that ${TestSpecGroup.Name}.

Test Specs and Test Types on the Setup > Configuration > Type Configuration > Test Types tab.