You can create one or more Factory Review Templates on this tab. Further, you can add Questions and sub-questions to the template. On approval, this template(s) is available on the Home > Sourcing > Reviews tab. Using the templates created on this tab, you can create one or more factory reviews on the Reviews tab.

How to create one or more Factory Reviews Templates

  1. In the Factory Review Template column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select New Factory Review Template...
  2. The new template is created and displayed in the table as "Unnamed". Click anywhere within the cell and edit the name.
  3. The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
    • Factory Review Template: The name of the factory review template
    • Description: A brief description of the factory review template
    • State: The state in which the factory review template is
    • Active: By default this checkbox is selected which indicates that the corresponding factory review template is visible and available for use within the C8 application. To make a factory review template unavailable, de-select the corresponding checkbox in the Active column
    • Is Mainline Review?: By default, this checkbox is selected. To set this attribute to FALSE, de-select the checkbox
    • Actions: To use the action icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features section.

Once the Factory Review Template is approved it is available on the Sourcing > Reviews tab for selection at the time of creating a Factory Review.

Pre-requisites: Create
Question Subsections, Questions
Related Topic: Reviews tab