On this tab, you can group one or more ${Currency.Plural} to create a ${CurrencyExchangeTable.Plural} or ${Group.Plural}.
How to define ${CurrencyExchangeTable.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${CurrencyExchangeTable.Name}.
- A new row is created in the ${Currency.Name} table.
- Enter a name in the ${Currency.Name} table field.
- Click anywhere within the cell in the ${Currency.Plural} field, and from the drop-down menu select one or more ${Currency.Plural} to group them.
- The checkbox corresponding to the new ${Currency.Name} in the ${Active} column is selected by default indicating that the ${Currency.Name} table is available for use in the Centric 8 application. To render a ${Currency.Name} inactive or unavailable, de-select the corresponding checkbox in the ${Active} column.
NOTE: The ${CurrencyExchangeTable.Plural} defined here can be viewed and edited on the Home > Business Planning > Business Plan > Plan > ${Currency.Name} table tab, Properties section.
To define on or more ${CurrencyExchangeRate.Name} for a currency, click on the required currency in the ${CurrencyExchangeTable.Name} .
Pre-requisite: Define ${Currency.Name}