You can create all ${ContractualDocument.Plural} used at the ${Material.Name} and ${Style.Name} level. All individual ${ContractualDocument.Plural} and the ones present in groups are listed here.

How to create a new ${ContractualDocument.Name}

  1. In the Contractual Document column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${ContractualDocument.Name}...
  2. In the New ${ContractualDocument.Name} dialog box:
    • ${ContractualDocument.Name} Type: From the drop-down list, select the ${ContractualDocument.Name} Type. NOTE: One or more ${ContractualDocument.Name} Types can be specified on the Setup > Configuration > Type Configuration > Contractual Document Types
    • Source Type: From the drop-down list, select the source type.

3. To save the document details, click on ${Save}.

The KPI for a newly created ${ContractualDocument.Name} is highlighted in yellow. The Latest State and Latest Revision display Draft and 1, respectively. The fields entered in the dialog box are displayed in Latest Source or Latest Effective From and Latest Effective To, depending on the chosen ${ContractualDocument.Name} Type.

Click the tick icon in the ${Actions} column to approve the current revision. Once approved, the KPI is highlighted in green, the Latest State clears and the Approved State displays Approved. The Latest Revision increases by 1.  The values in Latest Source or Latest Effective From and Latest Effective To is moved to Approved Source or Approved Effective From and Approved Effective To.

NOTE: The KPI is highlighted in red, if a ${ContractualDocument.Name} Type with an active Has Effectivity Dates, does not have the current date within the Latest Effective From and Latest Effective To dates or has no values entered in these fields.

To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.

Once the ${ContractualDocument.Name} is approved, the following three icons are displayed in the ${Actions} column.

Select the Required check box if you want all the ${ContractualDocument.Plural} to be approved, as a ${Supplier.Name} compliance.

NOTE: It is disabled if none of the options are selected for a ${ContractualDocument.Name} type.

Click on a ${ContractualDocument.Name} to view its properties.


Pre-requisites: Define Contractual Document Types on the Setup > Configuration > Type Configuration > Contractual Document Types tab and Define Suppliers.