In this page you can plan your Product ${Material.Plural} and ${Colorway.Plural}
and create a new ${Theme.Name} here. You can have multiple ${Theme.Plural} within a ${Season.Name} including ${Colorway.Name} and ${Material.Name} inspirations. After creating a ${Theme.Name}, you can plan your
${PartMaterial.Plural}, ${Material.Plural} and ${MCMaterialColor.Plural}.
You can view a rollup of ${Theme.Plural}, ${Style.Plural}, ${PartMaterial.Plural}, ${Material.Plural}
and ${ColorMaterial.Plural} at any Hierarchial level from Seasons right upto ${Collection.Plural}.
To create a new ${Theme.Name}
Mouse over New and click on New ${Theme.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the New ${Theme.Name} dialog box, enter the ${Theme.Name} details and click on Save.
Note: You can assign ${ColorSpecification.Name} to a Theme by clicking on a ${Theme.Name} and creating a ${ColorColorwayContext.Name} in the ${ColorSpecification.Name} table.
To create a new ${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name}
Mouse over New and click on New ${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the New Theme from Material dialog box, click on the radio button to select the Material and click on Next. In the New Theme from Material page, select the ${ColorMaterial.Name} by clicking on the check box against it. Click on Finish to open the New Theme from Material dialog box.The ${Theme.Name} displays the selected ${Material.Name}. Click on Save to display the properties of the ${Theme.Name}.
Note: The selected ${ColorMaterial.Plural} are displayed as ${ColorColorwayContext.Name}. And, the selected ${Material.Name} is displayed under ${Material.Name} > ${PartMaterial.Name}.
To upload
an image and execute the icons in the Actions
column, refer Generic Features
The Active check box is automatically
checked to make this ${Theme.Name} active. Uncheck to make it inactive.