This site-level view of ${Theme.Name} Masters supports the creation and copy of ${Theme.Name} Masters. 

How to create a ${Theme.Name} Master

  1. In the ${Theme.Name} Master column, mouse-over Actions and select ${New} ${ThemeMaster.Name}....
  2. The new theme is created and displayed in the ${ThemeMaster.Name} column. A Theme Master titled "Unnamed" is created by default. To change the name, click anywhere within the cell and enter the new name.
  3. Edit details for the ${New} ${ThemeMaster.Name} in the editable cells indicated by a small grey triangle displayed in the corner of the cell.
  4. The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
    • Theme Master: By default, at the time of creating a ${New} ${ThemeMaster.Name}, the ${New} ${ThemeMaster.Name} is titled "Unnamed". The user can edit these details as required.
    • Type: By default, the ${ThemeMaster.Name} type is "Simple". However, if you add one or more sub-themes to the ${ThemeMaster.Name},  then the type is automatically updated to "Combined" indicating that the Theme Master consists of more than one Simple Themes.
      NOTE: To select one or more sub-themes, navigate to Theme Master > Sub Themes tab.
    • Theme Security Group: Click anywhere within the cell to select a Theme Security Group. 
      NOTE: One or more Theme Security Groups can be created on the Theme Security Groups tab.
    • Themes: Details of the Theme and Seasons associated with the  ${ThemeMaster.Name} are displayed in the respective columns.
      • Theme
      • Seasons
    • Actions: The copy icon is displayed in this column to allow Users to copy a ${ThemeMaster.Name}.

TIP: The ${Actions} column does not display the Remove icon. A Theme Master or a Theme cannot be removed from the table on this tab. However, it is possible to edit the Season list associated with the Theme and the Theme Master. It is possible to remove a Theme Master and the Theme associated with it using the ${Theme.Plural} tab.

NOTE: 1. The  All  ${Season.Name} attribute can be added to the table view using the Custom Views dialog option.
2. If at the time of creating a Theme Master, one or more Seasons are not associated with it, then the All  ${Season.Name}  checkbox is available for selection in the table. Else, if the ${Theme.Name} Master is associated with one or Seasons in the Create New Theme form, then the All Seasons checkbox will be greyed out and unavailable.

IMPORTANT: Users with administrator rights can de-select the Restrict Edits  check box in the Edit Attributes (BO: ThemeMaster; Attribute: All Seasons) dialog box to enable the All Seasons check box in the Theme Master table. 

NOTE: All the details created on this tab are also updated on the ${Theme.Plural} tab.

Pre-requisites: Create one or more ${Season.Plural}
See Also: 