You can a ${SubRouting.Name} here that can be used in a ${Style.Name} and a ${Material.Name}. Only Approved ${SubRouting.Plural} are available for selection.

How to define a ${SubRouting.Name}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SubRouting.Name}.
  2. In the ${SubRouting.Name} dialog box, enter the ${SubRouting.Name} name and click on ${Save}.
  3. Check the ${Active} check box to make the ${SubRouting.Name} active.

NOTE: The Latest State and Latest Revision display Draft and 1, respectively.

To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features. Click on the tick icon to approve the current revision. Once approved, the Latest State clears and the Approved State column displays the state as "Approved". The Latest Revision increases by 1.  Click on the ‘Create a new revision based on the current revision’ icon to create a new revision.

The value in the Latest Revision increases by 1 and the Latest State displays Draft