You can create a ${SupplierRequest.Name}, requesting a ${Supplier.Name} for a Quote and/or a ${Sample.Name}. This ${SupplierRequest.Name} is issued to the ${Supplier.Name} after selecting ${Style.Plural} for which you require a Quote and/ or ${Sample.Plural}. Once you have received a quote from the ${Supplier.Name}, you have an option to close the Request if you have agreed on the ${SupplierItem.Name} or re-issue the Request for further negotiation.
How to create a new ${SupplierRequest.Name}
- In the Supplier Request column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SupplierRequest.Name}.
- In the New ${SupplierRequest.Name} dialog box, enter the ${SupplierRequest.Name} details and click on Next to open the New ${SupplierRequest.Name} page.
- In this page, you can associate ${Style.Plural} to the ${SupplierRequest.Name} by clicking on the check box against each ${Style.Name}.
- Click on Finish to create a ${SupplierRequest.Name}.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Supplier Request: The Supplier Request name defined at the time of creating a supplier request
- Type: The type is already selected and greyed out. Users cannot change this details for this attribute.
- Requester: Select a requester (User) from the drop-down list. One or more users are created on the Setup > User Management > Users tab.
- Due Date: Click anywhere in the cell and select a due date from the calendar.
- State: The State of the ${SupplierRequest.Name} is displayed as:
- Draft: When a ${SupplierRequest.Name} is created.
- Issue: When the ${SupplierRequest.Name} is issued.
- Reissue: You can re-issue an Issued ${SupplierRequest.Name}. Select the ${Style.Plural} in the Re-Issue dialog box and click on Save.
- Close: The ${SupplierRequest.Name} is closed. The State is displayed as Complete
- State Modified Date: When and if the Supplier Request is modified, the date and time is populated automatically
- State Modified By: The details of the user who modified the Supplier Request details is displayed automatically.
- Stock Order:
- Actions: To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features.
NOTE: When you select the blank option, no action is initiated.
Click the ‘Manage ${StockOrder.Name}’ icon to manage a ${StockOrder.Name} for this ${SupplierRequest.Name}. Enter the details in the Create ${StockOrder.Name} dialog box and click on ${Save}.
IMPORTANT : You cannot manage ${StockOrder.Name} for a ${SupplierRequest.Name} that is Complete.
Pre-requisites: Define Styles and Samples;
Define Supplier Request Template;
Define Suppliers.