Centric 8 is set up hierarchically, where the top level is the Season, and the levels below are defined based on your business process. For example, we can use the hierarchy - ${Season.Name}, ${Category1.Name}, ${Category2.Name}, ${Collection.Name}, ${Style.Name}. On this tab, you can define the ${Season.Name} hierarchy.

How to create a new ${Season.Name}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${Season.Name}.
  2. In the New ${Season.Name} dialog box, enter the ${Season.Name} name and other related details and click on ${Save}.
  3. You can also update ${Season.Name} details in the ${Season.Name} table.

NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle displayed in the top right-hand corner of the cell.

You can create ${Style.Name} for a ${Season.Name} only after creating ${Category1.Name}, ${Category2.Name} and ${Collection.Name} for that particular ${Season.Name}.

To upload an image and execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.

The ${Season.Name} tab consists of the following attributes in the default view:

To create one or more ${Category1.Plural} for the Season hierarchy, click on a ${Season.Name}.
See Also: Hierarchy > Brands.