Using the Material ${SampleStorage.Name} feature you can manage Samples that you store in a physical location from within Centric 8. Create ${MaterialSample.Plural} with a “bin” number within a ${SampleStorage.Name} area in Centric 8 and if approved, promote the ${MaterialSample.Name} to a “real” ${Material.Name} in Centric 8.
The ${SampleStorage.Name} can be associated with a style sample. The associated ${SampleStorage.Name} is displayed on the Style Samples tab.
How to set up a ${SampleStorage.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SampleStorage.Name}.
- In the New ${SampleStorage.Name} dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}.
NOTE: Select the Active checkbox to make the Sample Storage active. To render the Sample Storage inactive and unavailable, deselect the checkbox.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Sample Storage: The name of the sample storage assigned at the time of creating a new sample storage. The details cannot be edited in the table.
- Active: This checkbox is selected by default to render this sample storage active and visible. To render it inactive and unavailable in Centric 8, de-select this checkbox.
- Description: Enter a brief description for the sample storage.
- Bin Number: The bin number specified at the time of creating the sample storage is displayed here. Once specified, the attribute details cannot be edited.
- Max Bin Number: The maximum bin number specified at the time of creating the sample storage is displayed here.
- Actions: To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features.
Click on a ${SampleStorage.Name} to view or edit its properties.