The ${SupplierItem.Plural} created for the ${Material.Plural} are displayed here.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Material: The material name specified at the time of creating the material
- Supplier Quote: The Supplier Quote associated with the Material at the time of creating the material
- State: The default state of the Material which is Draft. To change the state of the Material, click anywhere within the cell and select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
- Revise
- Freeze
- Approve
- Abandon
- Agent: The Agent details specified at the time of creating the Material is displayed in this column
- Supplier: The Supplier details specified at the time of creating the Material
- Factory: Click anywhere within the cell and select a factory to be associated with the Material
- Supplier Request: One or more Supplier Requests can be created for a Material on the Supplier Request tab.
- Comment: Click anywhere within the cell and enter comment details.
- Selected:
- Actions: To set a particular ${SupplierItem.Name} as a default ${SupplierItem.Name}, in the corresponding Actions column, click on the Options icon and select the option "Set as Default Supplier Quote"
The table toolbar Actions drop-down menu provides the following action items:
- Update Costs
- Export for Offline Costing
- Paste Offline Costing
- Cancel Offline
TIP: The editable fields are indicated by a grey triangle displayed in the bottom corner of the cell.
How to select ${Color.Plural}
- In the ${Actions} column, click on Select ${Color.Plural} icon to select colors.
- In the Select ${Color.Plural} dialog box, select the ${Color.Plural} and click on ${Save}.
How to view Supplier Quote properties
- Click on a ${SupplierItem.Name} to view its properties and select ${DutyRate.Plural}.
Pre-requisites: Create Supplier Quotes for materials assigned to Material Security Group.