You can select ${Wbs.Name} templates to setup starting points for timelines.
To select ${Wbs.Name} Templates
Click on Select ${Wbs.Name} link to select WBS Template. In the Select ${Wbs.Name} dialog box, select the ${Wbs.Name} Template and click on ${Save}.
To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features. Click on the 'Start' icon to start the ${Wbs.Name}. Click on the 'Save As Template' icon, to save the ${Wbs.Name} as a Template.
To edit ${WbsElement.Plural}
In the ${WbsElement.Plural} table, you can update information directly in the table.
Note: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
Click on the Expand or Collapse icon to expand or collapse the ${WbsElement.Name} to view and create a ${WbsElement.Name} within the selected Task.
To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features. Click on the ‘Skip’ icon to skip the ${WbsElement.Name}. Click on the Up and Down arrow keys to move the ${WbsElement.Name} up or down the order in the table.