${Wbs.Name}, or Work Breakdown Structure, is a project planning and tracking tool. It allows for creating Project Plans and additionally has links to Centric 8 objects to allow for automatic tracking of task completion. ${Wbs.Name} can be applied to Hierarchy, ${Collection.Name}, ${Style.Name}, ${Colorway.Name}, ${SKU.Name} and ${Material.Name}. A ${Wbs.Name} is comprised of Tasks. Each task can be tracked either manually or via a completion condition (Tracked Task) that is defined for the Task.
${Wbs.Name} uses templates to setup starting points for timelines. An administrator sets up timeline templates that are then used by users when initializing ${Wbs.Name} instances. This saves a lot of time having to enter tasks, duration, responsible users, etc. multiple times.
How to create a new ${Wbs.Name} Template
Click on a ${Wbs.Name} Template to create ${WbsElement.Plural}.