The My ${PageHome_TT} in C8 provides a customized view of the Announcements, Calendar Activities and WBS based Activities.

This help page contains details on the DASHBOARD FEATURES, COMMON FEATURES and GENERIC FEATURES.

NOTETo configure the Dashboard, click on the Configure dashboard icon. When the Configure option is turned off, only the Move and Expand/Collapse icons are available for the panes displayed in the Dashboard. 


  1. Icons available to custom design the dashboard:
    • Drag-and-drop: This icon allows users to move various panes available on the Dashboard. To move a pane on the dashboard, click on the drag-and-drop icon and simultaneously drag the pane to a new location on the dashboard.
    • CopyTo copy a component available on the dashboard, click on the copy icon. 
    • Custom Views: To create a custom view for a dashboard pane, click on the Custom Views icon. From the Custom Views dialog box, select one or more attributes to create a custom view and click on Save.
    • Remove: To remove an existing pane for a widget from the dashboard, click on the remove icon.
  2. Add new pane from available widgets:
    • Users can add a customized pane for the following widgets:
      • Announcements
      • My Actions
      • My Activities
      • Style Management
      • Material Management
      • Sourcing

NOTE: To view this section, click on the Configure link/icon. Icons for only those widget  panes that are not currently part of the Dashboard, will be active. Icons for widget panes that are already displayed on the dashboard will be greyed out and unavailable. To add a pane for a widget, click on the required widget icon.

To change the header/title of a widget pane:

NOTE: The Site Administrator creates annonucements for a User(s) on the Setup > User Management > Announcements tab which can be viewed by the user here. 


    • Change the C8 theme to either Black or Blue.
      NOTE: The default OOTB theme is Blue.
      • To change the C8 theme to Black or Blue, edit site.js file. After API calls line, add the line -
        api.setTheme ('black') OR api.setTheme ('blue') respectively.

NOTE: To view the Centric8 Theme changes, it is required to clear cache for the browser. It is also necessary to run Update Configuration for the changes to be reflected.

    • The following features are common to all the Views on the Home Page.
      • The Add Chart to custom views option allows Users to group information on the basis of Responsible PartyCalendar Owner and Remind attributes and view this information in a variety of charts such as Bar, Line, Column etc.
      • Filter conditions for Activities and Sort by Expected End date option for the My Activities section; Filter conditions for Workflow Tasks and Sort by Workflow Task for the My Actions section.


    • Custom Views: Users can create one or more custom views for a table by adding or removing attributes.
      NOTE: It is possible to create a customized view only after creating a copy of the Default view.
    • Custom Views list: All the custom views including the Default view is listed in this drop-down menu. 
    • Reset Filters: To reset the filters applied to one or more attributes in a Table, click on the Reset Filters icon.
    • Add chart to custom view: To add a chart to a custom view, click on this icon. 
    • Refresh View: To refresh an existing view, click on this icon.
    • Print: To open the print content in a new tab, click on this icon.
      NOTE: If the number of items displayed in the table is 0 or if the number if items displayed in the table exceeds 100, then this option is disabled.
    • Export: To export the results of the table to Excel, Excel (Flat) or PDF, click on this icon.
    • Results: Users can specify the number of items to be displayed in the table (either 20, 50, 100, 200 or All). 
    • Suspend: Click on the white circle to suspend the results in the table. To display the results, click on the white circle once again.
  2. TABLES:
    • Editable cells: All the editable cells are indicated by a grey triangle displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the cell.
    • Edit: To edit the details for a cell, mouse-over anywhere within the cell and select Edit. In the Edit dialog box, edit/update details as required and click on Save.
    • Edit Comment: It is possible to add/edit comments to a cell. To add a comment, mouse-over anywhere within the cell and select Edit Comment. 
      • The Edit Comment dialog box provides text editing tools to edit the font size, color etc. To add a color to the cell, click on a color from the Colors box.  To save the comments, click on Save. The comments will be saved and a small red triangle will be displayed in the right-hand top corner of the cell to indicate that the cell contains comments. To delete or reset the comments, mouse-over anywhere in the cell and select Reset Comments.
        NOTE: After the comments are deleted or reset, the small red triangle will no longer be displayed.
    • Filters: It is possible to set filters for the attributes. To filter on an attribute, click on the (All) drop-down link and select one or more attributes. To remove the filters, click on the Reset Filter icon in the table toolbar.
    • Freeze Columns for tables: The custom Views for tables, provides the Freeze Columns Option to specify the number of columns to be repeated in each horizontal page. Specify a value of "0" means no columns will be repeated. Users can set up to "8" columns to be repeated on each page.
      NOTE: The number of columns that can be frozen has been increased to 8.

Refer: Detailed description of icons displayed in the ${Actions} column is available in the "Getting Started with Centric 8" online help.