On this tab, you can view the details about the the Theme Security Group and create a new ${Theme.Name}.
The Properties section displays the information about the Security group the Theme is available and the description
How to create a new ${Theme.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${Theme.Name}.
- In the ${New} ${Theme.Name} dialog box, enter the ${Theme.Name} details and click on ${Save}.
NOTE: To assign ${ColorSpecification.Name} to a Theme, click on a ${Theme.Name} and create a ${ColorColorwayContext.Name} in the ${ColorSpecification.Name} table.
How to Move Theme Master
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select Move Themes Masters From
- In the Move Theme Masters from dialog box, select the ${Theme.Name} Master from another season and click on ${Save}.
How to create a new ${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and click on ${New} ${Theme.Name}from ${Material.Name} link in the Action pop-up box.
- In the New${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name} dialog box, click on the radio button to select the ${Material.Name} and click on Next.
- In the New${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name} page, select the ${ColorMaterial.Name} by clicking on the check box against it.
- Click on Finish to open the New ${Theme.Name} from ${Material.Name} dialog box. The ${Theme.Name} displays the selected ${Material.Name}.
- Click on ${Save} to display the properties of the ${Theme.Name}.
NOTE: The selected ${ColorMaterial.Plural} are displayed as ${ColorColorwayContext.Name}.And, the selected ${Material.Name} is displayed under ${Material.Name} > ${PartMaterial.Name}.
How to create a new ${Theme.Name} from ${Style.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${Theme.Name}from ${Style.Name}.
- In the New${Theme.Name} from ${Style.Name} dialog box, click on the radio button to select the ${Style.Name} and click on Next.
- In the New ${Theme.Name} from ${Style.Name} page, select the ${Colorway.Name} by clicking on the check box against it.
- Click on Finish to open the New ${Theme.Name} from ${Style.Name} dialog box.The ${Theme.Name} displays the selected ${Style.Name}.
- Click on ${Save} to display the properties of the ${Theme.Name}.
The following attributesare displayed in the Default view:
- Theme: The name of the Theme. This field is editable.
- Seasons: The name of the Season with which the Theme is associated at the time of creating the Theme. However, this field is editable.
- Theme BOM Type: The BOM Type that is selected at the time of creating a Theme is displayed in this column. This attribute field is editable. To edit the details of this field, click anywhere within the corresponding cell and select a new BOM type from the drop-down menu.
- Image: Click anywhere within the cell and select Browse Images. In the Browse Images dialog box, select an image for the Theme and click ${Save}. The selected image is displayed in the Image column.
- Theme Security Group: At the time of the creating a Theme, a corresponding theme security group is created by default wit the name as "(Unnamed)". You can edit the details of the Theme Master.
- Actions: Icons relating to Copy, Edit and Delete etc. are displayed in the ${Actions} column.