For business models that use in-house warehouse ${ProductSample.Plural}, you can create a ${StockOrder.Name} to request and reserve a specific ${Material.Name} and quantity to create ${Material.Name} or ${Style.Name} product samples. The warehouse or "fulfiller" then gathers the requested ${Material.Plural} and delivers them to the requester.
To create a stock order
- Click on Manage Stock Order.
- The Manage Stock Order dialog box is displayed. Enter details and click on Save.
- To create one or more Line Items for the Stock Order, click on the Create Line Items icon.
NOTE: The Create Line Items icon is available only after creating a stock order.
This tab displays the Properties details for a selected ${StockOrder.Name} and the line items associated with that stock order.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Warehouse: Displays the name of the Warehouse.
- Season: Displays the name of the Season.
- Requester: Displays the name of the Requester.
- Deliver by: Displays the "Deliver by" date to deliver the requested materials.
- Priority: Displays the priority to deliver the requested materials.
- Requester Comment: Displays the requester's comment regarding the materials.
- Fulfiller Comment: Displays the fulfiller's comment regarding the materials.
- State: Displays the status of the Stock Order.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Material: Displays the name of the Material.
- Stock-managed?: Displays information related to the managed stock.
- Colored Material: Displays the name of the Colored Material.
- Size: Displays the applicable sizes of the Style.
- Material SKU: Displays the name of the Material SKU.
- Supplier Request: Displays the code name of the Supplier Request.
- Stock Order: Displays the code name of the Stock Order.
- Warehouse: Displays the name of the Warehouse.
- Requester: Displays the name of the Requester.
- Order Calculated Qty: Displays the calculated order quantity of the stock order.
- Order Requested Qty: Displays the requested order quantity of the stock order.
- Requester Comment: Displays the requester comment regarding the materials.
- Order Calculated Qty Baseline: Displays the calculated baseline order quantity of the stock order.
- Order Calculated Delta: Displays the calculated order quantity with delta information.
- Order Fulfilled Qty: Displays the fulfilled quantity of the stock order.
- Fulfiller Comment: Displays the comments of the fulfiller.
- Material SKU Reserved Qty: Displays the reserved quantity of the Material SKU.
- Material SKU Calculated Stock Level: Displays the calculated stock level of the Material SKU.
- Placements: Displays information related to the Placement.
- Product Name: Displays the name of the product.
- Sample: Displays the name of the sample.
- Revision: Displays the revision related information.
- Placement: Displays the name of the Placement.
- Qty (Common): Displays the common order quantity of the respective Placement.
- Include on Stock Order: Displays whether the respective Placement is included in the Stock Order or not.
Pre-requisite: Create Supplier Request, Supplier, ${Style.Plural}, and Materials.