To create a Cost Scenario, click on the Manage Cost Scenario.

On this tab, you can create a ${CostScenario.Name} and create ${CostRoutingItem.Plural} and ${CostMaterial.Plural} 

When creating a Cost Scenario, the user must select a BOM. The list of selectable BOMs has now (version 6.0 and higher) been expanded from full BOMs to include both full and Sample BOMs.

The properties are displayed in the Summary section. You can also update details in the section.

NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell

To create New from ${Routing.Name} Item

  1. In the ${CostRoutingItem.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${Routing.Name} Item
  2. In the New from Routing Item dialog box, select the Operation and click on ${Save}.

To create New ${CostRoutingItem.Name

  1. In the ${CostRoutingItem.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${CostRoutingItem.Name}
  2. Enter the details in the table.
    NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
  3. To execute the icons in the Actions column refer Generic Features. Click on the 'Refresh from Routing' icon to refresh the ${CostRoutingItem.Name}. Click on the 'Up' and 'Down' arrow icons to move the position of the ${CostRoutingItem.Plural}.

To add New ${CostMaterial.Name}  

  1. In the ${CostMaterial.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${CostMaterial.Name}
  2. Enter the details in the table.

To create New from ${Placement.Name}

  1. In the ${CostMaterial.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${Placement.Name}
  2. In the New from Placement dialog box, select the Placement and click on ${Save}
    NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
  3. To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features. Click on the 'Refresh from BOM' icon to refresh the ${CostMaterial.Plural} from BOM
  4. Click on the 'Up' and 'Down' arrow icons to move the position of the ${CostRoutingItem.Plural}.
  5. Click on Delete ${CostScenario.Name} icon to delete the ${CostScenario.Name}.

Material Costs