In this page you can add discounts offered by the ${Supplier.Name} and also view the default discount details in the Summary Section of this tab.
To add ${Supplier.Name} Discounts
- In the ${Supplier.Name} Discounts table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select New ${Supplier.Name} Discounts.
- A new row is created in the table. Enter details for the following attributes:
- Supplier Discount: Click anywhere within the cell and enter the discount name
- Effective To Date: Click anywhere within the cell and select a date from the calendar until which the discount will be valid and applicable.
- Effective Seasons: From the drop-down menu, select one or more Seasons for which the discount is valid and applicable.
- Discount Percent: Enter the discount percent details
- Active: If you wish to render the discount active and available within the Centric 8 application, select this checkbox.
- ${Actions}: To execute the action icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features section.
Click on a ${Supplier.Name} Discount to view its properties.
After the discount details have been specified, you can specify the default discount details.
To define the default discount
- From the Default Discount drop-down menu, select a discount detail to be set as default.
- The percentage of discount associated with the selected default discount is displayed automatically.
Pre-requisite: Define Supplier