On this tab, you can create ${SizeChart.Name} for the ${Style.Name} and also view the complete evaluation reviews for the ${SizeChart.Name}. You can opt to create a new ${SizeChart.Plural} from an existing ${SizeChart.Name}, from Templates or from Shapes.


How to create a new ${SizeChart.Name}

  1. In the ${SizeChart.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SizeChart.Name}.
  2. A new row is created in the table. Edit/enter details for cells that are editable.
    NOTE: The editable cells are indicated by a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
  3. Enter the details in the table and click on Save.
  4. The new Size Chart details are created and displayed in the table.  

NOTE: If a Size Chart is created using a two-dimensional Size Range, Points of Measure (POM) pulled in that Size Chart will depend on the second dimension and will appear as a grid. These Points of Measure will first grade vertically along the base size and then horizontally for each row. Pattern with Shrinkage are supported. The paste function has been disabled for 2-D sizes.

How to create a new from ${SizeChart.Name}

  1. In the ${SizeChart.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${SizeChart.Name}.
  2. In the ${New} from ${SizeChart.Name} dialog box, all the available Size Charts for the various Styles are displayed.
  3. Select the checkbox corresponding to one or more ${SizeChart.Plural} and click on ${Save}.
  4. A new Size Chart is created for each of the selected (existing) Size Charts and displayed in the table.

How to create a new ${SizeChart.Name} from Template

  1. In the ${SizeChart.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from Template.
  2. In the ${New} from Template dialog box, all the available Size Chart Templates are displayed. Select one or more templates based on which you would like to create the ${SizeChart.Plural} and click on ${Save}
    NOTE: The Size Chart templates are created on Home > Specification > Templates > Size Chart tab.  

    The following icons are available in the ${Actions} column.

For more details about the icons displayed in the Actions column, refer Generic Features section.

How to create a new ${SizeChart.Namefrom a Shape

  1. In the ${SizeChart.Plural} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from Shape.
  2. In the ${New} from Shape dialog box, all the Size Charts associated with the Shape Master are displayed. Select the checkbox corresponding to a Size Chart to select it and click on ${Save}.
    The new Size Chart is created and displayed in the Size Chart table.
    NOTE: You can create one or more Shape Master Size Charts on the Home > Styles > Shapes > Specification > Size Chart tab. 

To view the corresponding Technical Data Sheet, click on a ${SizeChart.Name}.

The evaluation Review for the 
${SizeChart.Name} is displayed in the ${SizeChartReview.Plural} table. 

To create a Size Chart Review,

  1. Create a New ${SizeChart.Name}. 
  2. Click on the Size Chart to view the details on the TDS tab.
  3. From the ${Actions} drop-down menu, select Evaluate. Enter details in the Evaluate current version and click on ${Save}.

For the editable cells (indicated by a grey triangle on the right-hand bottom corner), you can edit the details directly in the table.
${SizeChartReview.Plural} are created on the  ${SizeChart.Plural} > Reviews tab.

To create one or more Dimensions for a Size Chart, click on a ${SizeChart.Name}.

See Also:  
Create ${SizeChart.Name} Reviews