On this tab, in the Style section, you can add one or more New ${ReviewStyle.Plural} or create one from existing ${ReviewStyle.Plural}. In the Colorway section, you can add one or more ${ReviewColorway.Plural}.
How to create New ${ReviewStyle.Name}
- In the ${Style.Name} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select New ${ReviewStyle.Name}.
- A new row with the default name "Style Review" is created. Edit/update details as is required.
NOTE: The editable cells are denoted by a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
The following attributes are displayed in the ${Default} view:
- Style Review: The name of the Style Review which can be edited
- Description: A brief description the Style Review. Can be edited/updated
- Subtype Enum: One or more enumeration values for the ${ReviewStyle.Name} can be created on the Setup > Configuration > Enumerations tab (ReviewStyleType(1)) which are displayed in the drop-down menu. Click anywhere within the cell and select an enum value.
- Iteration: This field is automatically populated depending on the number of iterations you create based on the first Draft of the ${ReviewStyle.Name}
- State: Initially, the ${ReviewStyle.Name} is in the "Draft" State. To change the state of the ${ReviewStyle.Name} to "Approved", click on the Option icon in the Actions column and select Approve the current phase and advance to the next phase (if any) with a new revision. The state of the ${ReviewStyle.Name} changes to "Approved"
- State Modified Date: If in the State attribute, the state of the ${ReviewStyle.Name} is changed from the original "Draft" state, then this field is automatically populated with the system date (the date on which the state was modified)
- State Modified By: If in the State attribute, the state of the ${ReviewStyle.Name} is changed from the original "Draft" state, then this field is automatically populated with the logged in user details
- Samples: One or more samples can be created for a ${ReviewStyle.Name} on the Style > Samples tab. These samples are displayed in a drop-down menu. Click anywhere in the cell and from the drop-down menu, select a Sample.
- Actions: For information on how to execute the icons in the Actions column, refer Generic Features section.
Click on a ${ReviewStyle.Name) to view the ${ReviewStyle.Name) properties on the TDS tab.
How to create New from ${ReviewStyle.Name}
- In the ${Style.Name} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select New from ${ReviewStyle.Name}.
- In the New from Style Review dialog box, select the ${ReviewStyle.Plural} and click on Save.
- The selected Style Review is displayed in the table. Edit details for the editable cells indicated by a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
Click on a ${ReviewStyle.Name) to view the ${ReviewStyle.Name) properties on the TDS tab.
- One or more Colorway Reviews can be created on the Colorway > Colorway Review tab which are then displayed in this section.
NOTE: Edit details in the table for cells which are editable and denoted by a grey triangle in the corner of the cell. - Click on a ${ReviewColorway.Name} to create new ${DataSheet.Plural} and view the properties on the TDS tab.
Pre-requisite: Create Colorway Review, Styles
See Also: Style > Samples