On this tab, you can create one or more ${Sample.Plural}.
How to create a new ${Sample.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${Sample.Name}.
- In the ${New} ${Sample.Name} dialog box, enter the necessary details and click on ${Save}.
NOTE1: Due to the large number of sizes that can exist in a two-dimensional size range, the Sample create form now allows users to multi-select values for the Colors/Sizes field. On selecting Colors and Sizes, unique combination of Samples are created. - The ${New} ${Sample.Name} is created and displayed in the table. You can edit/update details for the editable fields in the table which are indicated by a grey triangle displayed in the right-hand bottom corner of the cell.
- The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Style Sample: The name of the Style Sample which can be edited.
- Product Alternative: One or more Product Alternatives can be defined on the Season hierarchy > Specification > Product Alternative tab which is available for viewing and selection here.
- Colorway: If one or more colorways are defined for the Style on which this Sample is based, then the drop-down view will provide a list of such colorways for selection. Else, if now colorways are defined for the selected Style, then this attribute will be a non-editable field.
- Size: The Sizes defined and available for the selected style are displayed in the drop-down view and can be selected
- Type: This attribute is defined on the Setup > Configuration > Enumeration tab for Enumeration - SampleType. One or more enumerations created for the Type attribute are displayed in the drop-down view and are available for selection.
- Status: The Status attribute values are defined in the Setup > Configuration > Enumeration tab for Enumeration - SampleStatus. These values are displayed in the drop-down view and are available for selection
- Received Date: Click anywhere in the cell to view the Calendar and select the received date for the ${Sample.Name}
- Review Date: Click anywhere in the cell to view the Calendar and select the review date for the ${Sample.Name}
- Responsible Users:
- Sample Storage: One or more Sample Storage can be created on the Home > Style > Sample Storage tab. You can view these here and select the required Sample Storage.
- Supplier: The Supplier details are selected at the time of creating the Sample. One or more Suppliers are pre-defined on the Home > Sourcing > Supplier tab, which are available in the drop-down view at the time of creating a Sample.
- Supplier Request:
- PO Products:
- PO Colors:
- Data Sheets
- Actions: To upload an image and execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.
Pre-requisite: Define Supplier