On this tab, you can create one or more ${SKU.Plural} for the ${Style.Plural}.
How to define a new ${SKU.Plural}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SKU.Plural}.
  2. In the ${New} ${SKU.Plural} dialog box, select one or more ${ProductSize.Plural} of the ${Colorway.Name}.
  3. From the Colorway drop-down menu, select one or more colorways and click on ${Save}.
    NOTE1: Due to the large number of sizes that can now exist with two-dimensional size ranges, the SKU create Form now allows for multi-select Sizes and Colorways. On selecting sizes and colorways, a SKU will be created for each size/color combination,
    NOTE2: You can update information in the ${SKU.Plural} table for cells that are editable and indicated by a grey triangle at the right-hand bottom corner of the cell.

The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
