On this tab, you can select the target size range for creating one or more ${SizeMap.Plural}. The Source Size Range will be the default selected ${SizeRange.Name}.

How to define ${SizeMap.Name}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SizeMap.Name}.
  2. In the ${New} ${SizeMap.Name} dialog box, select the Target Size Range and click on ${Save}
    NOTE: One or more Target Size Ranges can be defined on the Home > Specification > Size Range tab. 
  3. The ${New} ${SizeMap.Name} is displayed in the table. Select the ${Active} checkbox corresponding to the size map to render it active and visible in the Centric 8 application.

NOTE: No change has been made to size maps with the introduction of two-dimensional sizes. Two-dimensional size ranges can be used in size maps. However, they will appear flattened as either the source size range or target size range.

To view all the properties of the ${SizeMap.Name}, click on a ${SizeMap.Name}.

To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features.

NOTE: If the Size Map details have not been defined completely and you select the corresponding ${Active} checkbox, a confirmation message will be displayed asking if you would like to make the Size Map active although it has not been defined completely.
Pre-requisite: Define ${SizeRange.Name}.