You can create a set of incremental changes based on the points of measure you created in the ${ApparelDimension.Name} tab for a set of selected sizes. ${Increment.Name} tables are used to calculate the incremental difference from size to size for a ${Style.Name}.
How to create a new ${Increment.Name}
If a Size Chart increment is created using a two-dimensional size range, then the second dimension will have an enhanced grid to manage grading based on the following logic:
You can also update details in the ${Increment.Plural} table.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
To edit the ${Increment.Name}, mouse-over ${Increment.Name} and select Edit.
The ${Active} check box is selected by default to make this Increment active. De-select the checkbox to render it inactive.
To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.
Click on an ${Increment.Name} to view its properties.
Pre-requisites: Define Dimensions, Sizes, and Size Range.