${SizeChart.Plural} can be created using ${ApparelDimension.Plural}, ${Increment.Name} and ${ProductGroup.Name}. You can associate a ${SizeChart.Name} within a ${Style.Name}. You can define ${SizeChart.Name} using ${ApparelDimension.Plural} for your styles in this page.
How to create a new ${ApparelDimension.Name}
- Mouse-over ${Actions} and select New ${ApparelDimension.Name}.
- In the New ${ApparelDimension.Name} dialog box, enter the ${ApparelDimension.Name} details and click on Save.
- The new ${ApparelDimension.Name} is created and displayed in the ${ApparelDimension.Name} table. You can also update information in the ${ApparelDimension.Name} table for the editable fields indicated by a grey triangle displayed in the right-hand bottom corner of the cell.
The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
- ${ApparelDimension.Name}: The name of the ${ApparelDimension.Name}. This is an editable field. To edit the ${ApparelDimension.Name} details, click on the ${ApparelDimension.Name} name and select the Edit link. The details are displayed in the Edit dialog box. Edit the required details and click on Save.
- Description: A brief description of the Dimension. This is an editable field and the description details can be edited if necessary.
- Description (Alt): An alternate description for the Dimension
- Dimension Dependencies: This attribute is now available in C8 6.0 and higher. When creating a Size Chart Dimension Points of Measure (POM) that depend on a dimension ca be marked accordingly. This attribute is a multi-select field and allows user to select one or more dimensions on which the POM depends.
- Tags: Click anywhere in the cell and enter details of the tag name. Click on the + icon to add the tag name to the list. To select a tag name select the checkbox adjacent to the tag name in the drop-down list. The selected tag name (s) will be displayed in the table.
- Image: Click anywhere in the cell and select Browse Images. In the Browse Images dialog box, navigate the the required folder and select the Image to be displayed for a particular ${ApparelDimension.Name}.
- ${Active}: This checkbox is selected by default. To make a particular ${ApparelDimension.Name} inactive and unavailable in the Centric8 application, de-select the checkbox corresponding to a particular ${ApparelDimension.Name}.
- Actions: Icons relating to copy, edit, delete etc. are displayed in this column.
NOTE: For more details about icons displayed in the Actions column, refer Generic Features.
To view all the properties of the ${SizeChart.Name} associated with a ${ApparelDimension.Name}, click on a ${ApparelDimension.Name}.