You can create one or more ${SizeChart.Name} reviews for a selected ${SizeChart.Name} on this tab.
The ${SizeChart.Name} reviews are also displayed on the Style > ${SizeChart.Name} tab > (${SizeChartReview.Plural}) section. 
On this tab, you can define the state of a Size Chart review and also change the state from one to another. You can also create one or more revisions for a Size Chart.  

IMPORTANT: It is only when the the State of the Size Chart Review is changed to "Pass", the details of the "Approved" Size Chart Review are displayed on this tab.

How to create one or more Size Chart Reviews

  1. In the  ${SizeChart.Plural} section, in the  ${SizeChart.Plural} table, click on any Size Chart.
  2. The properties of the selected ${SizeChart.Name} will be displayed on the TDS tab. Click on the Reviews tab.
  3. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Evaluate...
  4. In the Evaluate the current revision dialog box, enter the required details and click on Next
    NOTE:  The Supplier field is mandatory.
  5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select the appropriate State for the Size Chart Review.
    NOTE: Select Pass to display the State of the Size Chart as Approved and select Fail to display the State as Revised. To cancel the Size Chart, select Cancel. The Size Chart details are cancelled and will not be displayed in the table.
  6. Selecting either Pass or Fail will display the Size Chart Review details in the table in the appropriate State. Else, selecting Cancel will not display the Size Chart Review. 

The ${SizeChart.Name} Review table consists of the following attributes:

NOTE: To create one or more revisions, click on the ${SizeChart.Name} Review.
The following options are available on the toolbar:
 To view the properties of a ${SizeChart.Name} review on the TDS tab, click on the ${SizeChart.Name}.
Pre-requisite: Define ${SizeChart.Name}