Timeline tab is displayed after Calendar template is applied to a Style. All multiple Timelines created for the selected ${Style.Name} are displayed here. This table tracks the progress of the Activities specified in the calendar.
You can update information directly in the table.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Style: The name of the Style. This field is editable. To view a list of all Styles or any one or more particular styles, click on (All) and from the drop-down menu, select the checkbox corresponding to one or more Styles.
- Style Type: The Style Type details are automatically populated and displayed on selecting a Style. These details are created on the Setup > Configuration > Type Configuration tab and linked to one or more Styles at the time of creating a style. The Style Type details cannot be edited on this tab.
- Development Type: This attribute is defined on the Setup > Configuration > Enumerations tab for the Enumeration type "DevtType".
- Calendars: The calendar that is assigned to the Style.
- Weeks: This is available in the tables toolbar, which enables to view the progress of the activity over a period of time. The left arrow and right arrow helps to navigate through the timeline. The drop-down list is available to select the number of days that is required to be displayed on the table.
Pre-requisite: Define Style, Master Calendar