On this tab, you can view the properties of the ${Season.Name} and define the next level of Hierarchy, ${Category1.Name}.

You can also edit the fields in the Properties section and create on or more brands. You can choose to create a new Brand (new Brand) item OR create a brand item from an already existing Brand (New from Brand).

NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the right hand bottom corner of the cell.

By default, the value in the Status field for the newly created ${Season.Name} is displayed as Pending. From the drop-down menu, you can select Active to make the ${Season.Name} active and available within the Centric 8 application. Once the Season is completed, then you can select the Complete option.

NOTE: The Status drop-down menu also consists of a "blank" option. Select this option, if you do not want to display any value in the Status field.


How to create a new ${Category1.Name}

  1. In the ${Category1.Name} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${Category1.Name}.
  2. In the New ${Category1.Name} dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}.
    NOTE: If you have created one or more hierarchy item templates, then the 
    New ${Category1.Name} dialog box will display the Templates field which is a mandatory field. All the other fields will be rendered non-editable and display necessary values corresponding to the selected template. 

The ${Category1.Name} table consists of the following attributes in the Default view:

How to create a new ${Category1.Name} from an existing ${Category1.Name}

  1. In the Brand table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${Category1.Name}.
  2. In the New from Brand dialog box, select the ${Category1.Plural} by selecting the checkbox corresponding to the required ${Category1.Plural}.
  3. Click on ${Save}. In the New from Brand (2) dialog box, from the Template drop-down menu, select a season template. Click on Save. 

NOTE: The Template field is only available when you have created one or more Hierarchy Item Templates on the Home > Specification > Hierarchy tab.

The ${Category1.Name} table details can be edited ONLY FOR ROWS which are NOT created using the Hierarchy Item Templates. 

IMPORTANT: If one or more hierarchy Item templates have been created (Home > Specification > Hierarchy), then at the time of creating a hierarchy item (either BRAND, DEPARTMENT or COLLECTION), it is mandatory to select one of the hierarchy templates. However, to change this setting, you can delete the Hierarchy Item templates.

To upload an image and execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.

To create the next hierarchy item (in this case one or more Departments), click on a ${Category1.Name}.

Pre-requisite:  Define ${Season.Plural}.