This tab displays the Gallery view of all Sales Products, that are associated with the selected Sales Look.
How to view the full-size image
- Click on the thumbnail image to display the full-size of the image in a light box view.
- Mouse-over the thumbnail image to view the following options:
- Browse Images: From the Browse Images dialog box, upload and select images, and then click on Save.
- Refresh Thumbnail: To refresh the thumbnail image; especially after you upload a new image.
- Remove: To remove an existing image, click on Remove.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Sales Product: Displays the name of the Sales Product.
- Code: Displays the code name of the Sales Product.
- Marketing Material: Displays the name of the Marketing Material.
- Marketing Collection: Displays the name of the Marketing Collection.
Pre-requisites: Define Sales Look;
Define Marketing Collection;
Define Marketing Product;
Define Sales Market.