You can create ${TestRun.Name} Templates from where you can assign multiple tests on a ${Material.Name}, ${Style.Name}, ${Colorway.Name}, ${ColorMaterial.Name} or ${ProductSample.Name}.

NOTE: When you create a ${TestRun.Name}, all ${TestRun.Name} Template details are copied including Status, Documents and Comments.

How to create a new ${TestRun.Name} Template

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${TestRun.Name} Template
  2. In the  ${New} ${TestRun.Name} Template dialog box, enter the details and click on Finish.
  3. The user is directed to the Test Template > Properties tab.
  4. Click the Back button in the browser toolbar to return to the Templates tab.
  5. In the Templates table, enter details for the editable fields which are indicated by a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
  6. By default the ${New} ${TestRun.Name} is in the "Draft" state. To change the state to "Approved", from the ${Actions} column, click on the "Approve the current revision" icon. The state will now be displayed as "Approved" in the Approved State attribute.
  7. Once the  ${New} ${TestRun.Name} is approved, the Option icon will be displayed in the ${Actions} column. The Option icon provides the following two options:
    • Revise: Allows users to revise the approved  ${New} ${TestRun.Name}
    • Create Contractual Document: Allows users to create one or more contractual documents for the approved  ${New} ${TestRun.Name}

How to create a new from ${TestRun.Name}

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${TestRun.Name}.
    NOTE: One or more Test Runs can be created on the Home > Quality > Test Runs tab.
  2. In the New from Test Run dialog box, select one or more ${TestRun.Plural} by selecting the check box corresponding to it. 
  3. Click on ${Save} to open the New from Test Run dialog box.
  4. Enter / Edit details as required and click on ${Save}.

Click on a Template to view the details on the Properties tab.