On this page you can select ${PurchasedOrder.Plural} for the selected ${PurchasedOrderGroup.Name}.
How to select ${PurchasedOrder.Name}
- Click on the Select ${PurchasedOrder.Plural} link.
- In the Select ${PurchasedOrder.Plural} dialog box, select the ${PurchasedOrder.Plural} and click on ${Save}.
- You can also update details in the ${PurchasedOrder.Name} table.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
When you create a ${PurchasedOrder.Name} the State displays Draft. You can chose the following State according to the actions performed:
- Negotiate - When the ${PurchasedOrder.Name} is ready for negotiation
- Ready - When the ${PurchasedOrder.Name} is ready to be issued
- Abandon - To abandon the ${PurchasedOrder.Name}
- Issue - To issue the ${PurchasedOrder.Name}
- Renegotiate - To renegotiate the ${PurchasedOrder.Name}
- Close - To finalize and close the Supplier PO
NOTE: When you select the blank option, no action is initiated
Pre-requisite - Define Supplier PO and PO Group