This tab displays the Issues created to the specific Style or Material selected in the PO
The Issues are created at Season/Style /Material level
The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
- Issue: The issue name specified at the time of creating a new issue. Click on the Issue name to view the details on the Properties tab.
- Issue Container: The hierarchy (Season/Style/Material) associated with the Issue is displayed here.
- Image: The Image is associated is displayed.
- Description: A brief description of the issue.
- Status: Mouse-over and select a status for the issue
- Owner: Mouse-over anywhere within the cell and select another Owner from the drop-down list.
- Due Date: This date is selected at the time of creating the issue. To change the date details, mouse-over within the cell and select another date.
- Comment: Click within the cell and enter comment details.
Pre-requisite – Define Style, Material, and Issues.