On this tab, you can add placements to the selected Style / ${MaterialBOM.Name}.

You can create one or more BOM Placements, using the following options on the Actions mouse-over:

The action to copy an entire BOM to a new BOM and to copy selected BOM lines in to an existing BOM have been enhanced to copy the BOM line for the Only for Sizes attribute. On selecting one or more sizes for the Only for Sizes attribute, the quantity and sizes are editable only for the selected sizes. The other size fields are non-editable.

NOTE: The Only for Sizes attribute is not available in the Default view. To add this attribute to the table view, in the Custom Views dialog box, from the Placements Attribute, select and add Only for Sizes attribute.

How to create New from (existing) ${Material.Name}

  1. In the Placement table, mouse over ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${Material.Name}
  2. Enter the details in the table.
    NOTE: The editable cells are indicated by a grey triangle displayed n the corner of the cell.
  3. By default, the placement is linked to the selected ${MaterialBOM.Name}. To unlink the placement, in the ${Actions} column, click on the "Options"  icon and select "Unlink" .  
  4. Alternatively, click on the "Relink" icon to relink the Placement to the ${MaterialBOM.Name}.
  5. To update the Unit Cost and the Unit of Measurement, click on the "Options" icon and select "Update Unit Cost, UOM from Product".

Creating a Special Material

Users can create a special material relevant for a particular style using the New Special option. However, a new action Promote Material is now available on BOM lines for special materials. Once the special material is successfully promoted to a shared material, the special BOM line will change to a regular BOM line and will be available to all styles.

To create a Special Material

  1. Mouse-over Actions and select New Special...
  2. In the New Special dialog box, enter/select details and click on ${Save}.
  3. The Action icon column will now display the Option icon corresponding to the new special material.
  4. Click on the Option icon and select Promote Material.
  5. In the Promote Material dialog box, select the Material Security Group and click on ${Save}.
  6. The Special BOM line is now promoted to a regular BOM line and linked to the selected Material Security Group.
    NOTE: Once the Material is promoted, the ${Actions} column will display the "Options" icon. The promoted material is automatically linked to the selected Material Security Group. To un-link the material from the Material Security Group, click on the Unlink option.

The BOM Placement table toolbar provides the following options in the ${Actions} toolbar only when the Style Sample BOM is in the DRAFT state:

Selecting Color Specs on the BOM line

The OKColorSpecs attribute for a Material, determines if color specs are selectable on the BOM line. This attribute is not available in the BOM Placement table as a default. Users can add this attribute to the table using the Custom Views option. To enable selection of color specs on the BOM line, select the OKColorsSpecs check box corresponding to the required BOM Placement.

Copy Colors option

The BOM Placement table toolbar provides an option in the ${Actions} drop-down menu called "Copy Colors". This action displays a form wherein the user can select an existing Colorway on the BOM as the source of colors, and select one or more target colorways. All color-related attributes in the color matrix are copied from the source Colorway to the target Colorway.

NOTE: The attributes copied are the Color, Quote, Unit Price and the Hide flag. No changes are made to the size or quantity attributes on the target Colorways.


In Centric 8 - 6.2, BOM Sections are replacing Divider rows. They provide a structured approach to organize Materials. For example, a BOM Section, named Labeling can be configured to only accept materials of type Labeling. It ensures data integrity and minimize the number of errors related to entering incorrect material types when developing a BOM.

BOM Sections are extremely flexible that provide the following features:

  1. Container for grouping Materials.
  2. Organizing/Rearranging Materials within a Section.
  3. Restricting Materials to a certain Section; e.g. Main Fabric section can only allow materials that are Main Fabric.

BOM Sections are configured at site level under Specification > Templates > BOM Sections tab. BOM Sections tab provide two separate tables for configuration. One for Style BOM, and the other for Material BOM.  

The Actions menu in the toolbar of BOM Placements table provides the following commands to manage BOM Sections: