The Presentation tab of the Price list datasheet manages a list of Price for a Style.

Price List: The Name of the Price List is displayed
Supplier Quote : The Supplier Quote associated with the Price List is displayed

From the Table Tool bar Users can Update the Prices to the Supplier Quote,Delete Inactive Price List and Freeze and Unfreeze the Prices.

This section displays all the Price List for each  Sales Region, Colorway and as per SKU

The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
Price: This list of Prices avalable for the Style are listed in the table
Sales Region: Prices to the assigned Sales Region is displayed here
Country: The name of the Country is displayed
Colorway: The Colorway of the Style is displayed
Style SKU: Style SKU for the Price list displayed
Active: This column displays if the Price list is active, by default it is selected and the Check box is disabled
Frozen: This column allows to Freeze the Price assigned to a Sales Region

NOTE: Editable cells are indicated by a small grey triangle displayed in the bottom right corner of the cell.