Here you can define the ${MerchProduct.Plural} for the selected Hierarchy ${MerchPlan.Name}.
How to create a new ${MerchProduct.Name}
- In the Product column, mouse over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${MerchProduct.Name}. In the ${New} ${MerchProduct.Name} dialog box, enter the details and select Finish.
- To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features. Click on Select Previous ${MerchProduct.Name} link to select a ${MerchProduct.Name} from the previous ${MerchProduct.Name}
How to create new from ${Style.Name}
- Form the Product column, mouseover ${Actions} and select ${New} from ${Style.Name} link.
- In the ${New} from ${Style.Name} dialog box, select the ${Style.Plural} and click on ${Save}.
How to carryover from other ${MerchProduct.Name}
- In the Product column mouse over ${Actions} and select Carryover link.
- In the Carryover dialog box, select the ${MerchProduct.Name} to be carried over and click on ${Save}.
How to carryover with ${Style.Name}
- In the Product column, mouse over ${Actions} and select on Carryover with ${Style.Name} link
- In the Carryover with ${Style.Name} dialog box, select the ${MerchProduct.Plural} to be carried over with its ${Style.Plural}and click on ${Save}.
How to create a Replenishment
- From the products column, mouse over ${Actions} and select the Replenishment link.
- In the Replenishment dialog box, select the ${MerchProduct.Plural} to be replenished and click on ${Save}.
To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.
Pre-requisite - Define ${MerchPlan.Name}