You can define one or more ${SalesDivision.Plural} here.
How to create a new ${SalesDivision.Name}
- In the Sales Division column, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${SalesDivision.Name}.
- In the New ${SalesDivision.Name} dialog box, enter the ${SalesDivision.Name} name and click on ${Save}.
- You can update other information in the ${SalesDivision.Name} table.
NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
The following attributes are displayed in the default view:
- Sales Division: Enter a name for the Sales Division.
- Compliant:
- State: The newly created ${SalesDivision.Name} displays the State as Pending. You can approve the ${SalesDivision.Name} by selecting the Approved option. The state changes to Approved. To deactivate the ${SalesDivision.Name}, select Inactive option. The state changes to Inactive. NOTE: Selecting the Blank option, will not display anything in the State column..
- ID: Enter a unique ID for the Sales Division.
- ${Actions}: To understand how to execute the icons in the ${Actions} column, refer Generic Features section.
Click on a ${SalesDivision.Name} to view its properties and to create ${Contact.Plural}.