On this tab, an individual Inspection Batches are created to conduct the final inspection activities. On the breadcrumb, click on Start to start the final inspection activities.
NOTE: A new inspection batch can be created only when the final inspection is present in the Planned state or when the latest inspection batch is present in the Failed state.
The breadcrumb present on this page displays the following options and they are used to maintain the state of final inspections:
- Inspection Batches: This drop-down list is used to navigate to other inspection batches, which are part of the same final inspection. Click on the Inspection Batch name to view properties and other inspection related activities.
- Start: This option promotes the state of the final inspection from Draft to In Progress.
- Pass: This option promotes the state of the final inspection from In Progress to Passed. Before passing the final inspection, ensure that the latest inspection batch is present in the Passed state.
- Fail: This option promotes the state of the final inspection from In Progress to Failed. Before failing the final inspection, ensure that the latest inspection batch is present in the Failed state.
- Save as Template: This option is used to save the respective final inspection as an Inspection Template.
How to create an Inspection Batch
- From the Inspection Batch column, mouse-over Actions, and then select New Inspection Batch. The New Inspection Batch dialog box is created.
- In the New Inspection Batch dialog box, enter details for the following fields:
- Inspection Batch: Enter a name for the new Inspection Batch.
- Type: From the drop-down list, select the value Defect based or Full Inspection.
NOTE: If the Type is Defect based, then the related inspection batch is passed or failed based on the number of defects identified. If it is Full Inspection, then all the products present in the lot size must be inspected. - Actual Inspection Lot: Enter the actual quantity of products present in the inspection lot.
- Click on Save. A new inspection batch is created and displayed in the Draft state.
NOTE: From the State column of Inspection Batch table, the following options are available, to maintain the state of an individual inspection batches.
Available Options
| From State
| To State
| Draft
| In Progress
| In Progress
| Waiting for Approval
| In Progress
| Passed
| In Progress
| Failed
| Waiting for Approval
| In Progress
| Passed
| In Progress
| Failed
| In Progress
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:
- Inspection Batch: Displays the name of the Inspection Batch. Click on the Inspection Batch name to perform the inspection batch related activities.
- State: Displays the state of the Inspection Batch which can be selected/updated. Refer to the above table for detailed information on various statuses of the Inspection Batch.
- Type: Displays the type of Inspection Batch. This column provides information to the Quality Inspector that the defect based inspection or the full inspection of all products present in the lot size has to be performed.
- Actual Inspection Lot: Displays the actual quantity of products present in the inspection lot.
- Target Samples Count: Displays the number of samples from the inspection lot, which are targeted for inspection.
- Actual Samples Count: Displays the actual number of samples that are inspected, which can be edited/updated.
- Target Carton Qty: Displays the target number of cartons from which samples are selected for inspection.
- Actual Carton Qty: Displays the actual number of cartons from which samples are selected for inspection. This attribute can be edited/updated.
- State Modified At: Displays the timestamp details during which the state of the inspection batch is modified.
- State Modified By:Displays the username who have modified the state of the inspection batch.
- Recommended Result: Displays the recommended result of the inspection batch.
- Actions: This column provides the Delete option, when the Inspection Batch is present in the Draft state. For detailed information, refer to Generic Features.
NOTE: The editable fields are displayed with a grey triangle in the lower-right corner of the cell.
NOTE: The commented fields are displayed with a red triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell.
NOTE: The blank cell option initiates no action.
Pre-requisites: Define Inspection;
Define Sampling Plan;
Define Defects;
Define Acceptance Limits;
Define Test Specifications;
Define Error Types.