You can use this page to add ${FactoryComplianceItem.Name} details and documents.

To add 

In the ${FactoryComplianceItem.Name} table, mouse over ${Actions} and click on ${New} ${FactoryComplianceItem.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. Enter the details in the table.

Note: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell 

Select the Required check box if you want the ${FactoryComplianceItem.Name} to be approved, as a ${Factory.Name} compliance. 

To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features.

Click on a 
${FactoryComplianceItem.Name} to view its properties.  

The ${SupplierContractualDocument.Plural} that are assigned to the selected ${Factory.Name} are displayed in the 
${SupplierContractualDocument.Plural} table.

Pre-requisite - Define 