Use this tab for:
- Scheduling data export jobs to a CSV, Database, Excel or XML file
- Defining export jobs for specific business objects
- Configuring batch exports leveraging Custom Views to identify export data
- Defining import jobs to automatically import executable in to Centric 8 on a set interval from the Centric 8 application server
Users can schedule an ${ExportBatch.Name} and specify details for the Export Definition.
To define ${ExportBatch.Name}
- In the ${ExportBatch.Name} table, mouse-over ${Actions} and select ${New} ${ExportBatch.Name}
- In the ${New} ${ExportBatch.Name} dialog box, enter a name for the Export Batch.
- From the Exporter drop-down list, select an exporter type.
- To save the export batch, click on ${Save}.
NOTE: The Exporter field consists of the following options - CSV, Database, Synchronized Database, XML file and Excel. Depending on the Exporter type selection, the fields displayed in the ${New} ${ExportBatch.Name} dialog box will vary.
To define ${ExportDefinition.Name}
- In the ${ExportDefinition.Name} table, mouse-over on ${Actions} and select ${New} ${ExportDefinition.Name}.
- In the ${New} ${ExportDefinition.Name} dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}.
For changes to be reflected within the C8 application , from the main menu bar, select Actions > Update Configuration.
Refer: Section "Export and Import Job Management" in 6.0 Administrator Guide for more details