You can view
the properties of the selected ${Routing.Name} and also create ${CostRoutingItem.Plural}.
You can
update information in the Properties section.
Note: The
editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
To add ${SourcingCapability.Name}
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on Add ${SourcingCapability.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the Add Capability dialog box, select the ${SourcingCapability.Name} and click on ${Save}.
To add ${SubRouting.Name}
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on Add ${SubRouting.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the Add ${SubRouting.Name} dialog box, select the ${SubRouting.Name} and click on ${Save}.
To add Copied ${SubRouting.Name}
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on Add Copied ${SubRouting.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the Add Copied ${SubRouting.Name} dialog box, select the ${SubRouting.Name} and click on ${Save}.
To create new ${SubRouting.Name}
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on New ${SubRouting.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the New ${SubRouting.Name} dialog box, enter the ${SubRouting.Name} name and click on ${Save}.
create New Divider
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on New Divider link in the Action pop-up box. Enter the divider name to create a new sub section.
create New Special
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on New Special link in the Action pop-up box. Enter the details in the table.
You can
update information in the table.
Note: The
editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the corner of the cell.
To execute
the icons in the ${Actions} column
refer Generic Features. Click on the ‘Unlink’ icon to unlink the Operation.
Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Relink’ icon to relink the detached Operation.
Click on ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ arrow icons to move the position of the Operation.