In this page, you can view the properties of the selected ${PurchasedOrder.Name} and also create ${CustomerPurchaseOrder.Plural}.
To create a new ${SKU.Name}
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on ${New} ${SKU.Name} Customer order link in the Action pop-up box. In the ${New} ${SKU.Name} order dialog box, select the ${SKU.Plural} and click on ${Save}.
You can also
update details in the ${CustomerPurchaseOrder.Name} table.
create New Divider
Mouse over ${Actions} and click on ${New} Divider link in the Action pop-up box. Enter the Divider name to create sub sections.
To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features. Click on ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ arrow icons to move the position of the ${SKU.Plural}.