You can view all the properties of the ${Customer.Name} with its image.

You can also update information in this section for those fields which editable. 

The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:

NOTE: The editable fields are indicated with a grey triangle in the lower-right corner of the cell


You can define one or more local users in this section of the tab.

To define Local ${User.Plural} 

  1. In the Local ${User.Plural} table, mouse-over ${New} and select ${New} ${User.Name} . 
  2. In the ${New} ${User.Name} dialog box, enter the details and click on ${Save}. 
  3. Check the ${Active} check box to make the ${User.Name} active. 
    NOTE: The number of active ${User.Plural} cannot exceed the allowed maximum number
  4. To execute the icons in the ${Actions} column refer Generic Features

The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:


In the ${CompanyAnnouncement.Plural} table, all the ${CompanyAnnouncement.Plural} related to the ${Supplier.Name} ${User.Name} are displayed here.

NOTE: The created ${CompanyAnnouncement.Plural} must be mapped to this online ${Supplier.Name} .

Pre-requisite: Define Supplier, Create Announcement