On this tab, you can define Care Instructions for the selected Care & Composition. Also, the Care Icons and Compostion of the Material or Placement can be updated. Additionally, the Exception Languages Compositions can be defined based on the Placement or Material.
The Sales Region drop-down list provides the ability to display the Sales Region specific Care and Composition instructions.
While selecting a Sales Region from the Sales Region drop-down list, the following details are displayed specific to the Language of the respective Sales Region:- Care Instructions
- Care Icons
- Exception Languages Compositions
How to add the Care Instructions- From the Care Label column, mouse-over Actions, and then select Select Care Instructions. The Select Care Instructions dialog box is displayed.
- In the Select Care Instructions dialog box, select the check boxes corresponding to the required Care Label, and then click on Save.
- The selected Care Labels are displayed in the Care Label table.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:- Care Label: Displays the name of the Care Label, which can be edited/updated. Click on the Care Label name to view its properties.
- Description: Displays the description of the Care Label.
- Care Type: Displays the name of the Care Type.
- Sales Region Spec: Displays the name of the Sales Region Spec.
- Care Instructions:
- Language: Displays the name of the Language present in the selected Sales Region.
- Care Instruction: Displays the Care Instructions based on the Language present in the selected Sales Region.
- Actions: This column displays the Remove option and arrow keys to move up or down the required Care Label multiple times. For more information, refer to Generic Features.
This section displays the Care Icons related details for the selected Sales Region.
The following attributes are displayed in the Default view:- Care Label: Displays the name of the Care Label, which can be edited/updated. Click on the Care Label name to view its properties.
- Description: Displays the description of the Care Label.
- Care Type: Displays the name of the Care Type.
- Sales Region Spec: Displays the name of the Sales Region Spec.
- Care Icons:
- Language: Displays the name of the Language present in the selected Sales Region.
- Care Icon: Displays the Care Icon based on the Language present in the selected Sales Region.
How to add the Composition information- Click on the Edit Composition. The Composition Editor dialog box is displayed.
- In the Composition Editor dialog box, select Base Composition from the drop-down list.
- Click on the New Line drop-down list and select New Material. A new row is added to update the base compostion.
- Enter an appropriate base composition percentage and select the required base composition material name from the successive drop-down list.
- Click on Save & Close. The Base Composition details are displayed.
How to delete the Composition information- Click on the Delete Composition. The Delete Composition dialog box is displayed.
- In the Delete Composition dialog box, click on Delete to delete the existing Composition information.
How to add the Exception Languages Compositions- Click on the Edit Composition. The Composition Editor dialog box is displayed.
- In the Composition Editor dialog box, select a specific language from the drop-down list.
- Click on the New Line drop-down list and select New Material. A new row is added to update the exception language compositions.
- Enter an appropriate exception composition percentage and select the required material name from the successive drop-down list.
- Click on Apply to link to apply this exception to the required languages. The Apply Composition to Languages dialog box is displayed.
- In the Apply Composition to Languages dialog box, select the check boxes corresponding to the required languages, and then click on Apply. A warning message is displayed.
- Click on Save & Close. The Exception Languages Compositions information are displayed.
NOTE: The editable fields are displayed with a grey triangle in the lower-right corner of the cell.
NOTE: The blank cell option initiates no action.
NOTE: The commented fields are displayed with a red triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell.
Pre-requisites: Define Sales Region Spec;
Define Care Label.